3# Why does "yaskeepants.com" even exist???????


I don't think I've ever explained why this website exists in the first place. Not that anyone asked me, but I think that it'd be interesting to talk about, since not even I know why this website exists...

ever since I could remember, I've been fascinated by technology, old and new. even at the age of small toddler, I used to religiously (figurative) watch all sorts of videos on early 2010s youtube about old and new computers (and the destruction of said devices (techrax anyone??)).

naturally, as someone who grew up in the 2010s, I came to watch as the world shifted from the selfie-infested, facebook, "lol so quirky" internet in the early 2010s to a short-form, fast-paced, consumerism obssessed internet of the late 2010s. and now, I feel like we're in an era of the internet where we've been conditioned to consume content at such a rapid and large amount for the sake of corpos getting their sweet cents worth of revenue. not to mention the alarming recent trend of AI-generated content, making for an even easier way to produce slop to make money and corrode our brians, leaving impressionable teenagers feeling depressed and worthless when having to interact with their own thoughts, away from the sedative-like effects that mindless consumption provides.

...sorry, I got a little sidetracked from the point.
seems i was getting a little too passionate about it... A very guilty looking yaskee.

I wanted to talk about the reason for this website's existence:
I was also one of those depressed and worthless doomscrollers I referred to earlier in that rant. I wanted to do many things but just... didn't, because I felt like I didn't have any of the motivation to start any of them for whatever reason. elementary, middle school, tried High school, quit after 2 months because it was too much for me, looked for jobs and became an apprentice printmaker, quit after 2 months again because injury, looked for more jobs... this is what i did for the first 17 years of my life, without any sort of idea what I wanted to become in the future. after my past 3 attempts to change my life, I had lost all faith in myself and eventually developed an anxiety disorder and mild depression, seemingly changing my life in a different way.

ALL OF THIS led me to wanting to change myself for the better.
in an attempt to distract myself from my horrible state of mind from last year, I became a lot more to new hobbies and learning new skills, one of these skills being web-development. in the back of my mind, I've always wanted to make my personal homepage, but as i said previously, I was ver unmotivated, but also overwhelmed by the code-ness and syntax stuffs and blegh.

and yet, here I am. despite my lack of confidence, despite my creeping anxiety telling me all sorts of destructive things, I'm finally competent enough to write my own, personal, website, and I've never felt better.

anyways my laptops about to die and im need ot plug it oin ok baibai